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Handgun 2

Concealed Carry Skills

Your concealed carry course was not a shooting skills class. You need to be able to safely carry and draw your pistol, as well as quickly engage a target. 


PLEASE NOTE: This is not a concealed carry permit class.  See our event schedule if you are interested in getting your CCW permit.


Concealed Carry Skills is a course for the concealed carry permit holder or constitutional carrier, who wants to gain the skills to help them should they need to use their firearm in a self defense situation.


Class Topics:

Applied marksmanship fundamentals.
Choosing a concealed carry method.
How to draw from concealment.
Rapid target acquisition and engagement.

You will need:

A handgun and holster. Please note: SERPA and push button lock holsters are not allowed.  If you are not sure if your holster will work just call and ask.
Eye and hearing protection.
100 rounds of ammunition.
Clothing appropriate for the weather.
This class will take place outdoors at the range which is about 15 minutes from Poplar Bluff. 

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